“What goes around comes around” is a statement that is true for the butt-heads and good-hearted people alike. Constantly screw people over and you’ll find yourself being screwed over yourself. Help someone and you’ll find that others will help you for nothing in return!
I couldn’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve went out of my way to help someone. That’s not to say I’m some kind of a saint, but I know for one it’s just the right thing to do and two it will help me in the long run!
Helping others will build a strong network, build your brand, build links (shhh,) and make you money in the long run and those are just a few of the positive effects kindness produces.
It’s a new year and if 2007 wasn’t a very profitable one, it’s time to start building a solid foundation on which your 2008 business will reside. The first step = Helping others!
Below are 10 Ways one could do just that, help others:
1: - Link to those who provide value.
2: - Stumble valuable posts/pages.
3: - Send an email to say “thanks, great job.”
4: - Send them some money (I accept check, money order, PayPal, Ikobo etc.)
5: - Add their blog to your Technorati favorites.
6: - Comment on their blog.
7: - Write a review of their site/blog on your site/blog. You both win because you have something to write about and they get exposure and tips.
8: - Find broken links, improperly nested code and/or anything else someone may have overlooked on their site/blog and let the person know. I’ve made several strong connections doing this.
9: - Read their content and/or purchase their products and leave feedback. 97% of my customers never provide feedback. Those that do, impress me, as they obviously want to get the most out of their investment.
10: - Buy them a Porsche Carrera GT. If you do this for me, I promise you’ll be a life -long friend. As a matter of fact, I’ll give you this blog, free of charge (I prefer dark blue or black with dark interior)
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