
Sunday, April 20, 2008

If you can Lose Weight you can Make Money Online

This is more of a random thought than an informational post, but hopefully it will give some of you who are struggling to make any decent money online a different way of looking at this online thing.

Many of you know in May of this year (2007) I got out of the Army after 5 years (got tired of fighting a war that should have ended years ago) and finally went full time IM. This was in a way disappointing because I enjoyed many aspects of the military and making pretty good money on the side was great as well. It was also extremely exciting having the chance to finally devote sufficient time to my online business and developing it further.

Well, it’s all good and fine, but when you go from the military to working on a computer you get out of shape quick, fast and in a hurry :) 3 months after getting out of the army I had gained nearly 20 lbs!! About 3 weeks ago I got a membership an the YMCA and started working out once again.

After my first workout I remembered just how dedicated you really have to be in order to get in top physical shape. It’s not easy by any means but I was determined. I’m not back in shape 100% after only 3 weeks, but as a direct result of my determination I’m very close. I’ve lost about 15 of those 20 lbs. that I had gained since exiting the military and I’ve gained some of the muscle back that I had a while back. I feel like a new man and I’m not even where I want to be yet :)

OK, this is a Make Money Blog right? haha (this post will probably end up in Google’s sup’s)

Here’s my point:

Let’s compare losing weight to making money online…


- Losing weight –> Extremely hard to do for many.
- Making Money Online –> Extremely hard to do for many.

Quick Fixes
Can work, but only for a short amount of time.

- Losing weight –> Diet Pills and fasting.
- Making Money Online –> Spamming and Scamming.

Mediocre Fixes
Can be effective if you follow the plan and don’t give up, but in most cases it’s not the best choice.

- Losing weight –> The hot, new diet that’s taking the World by storm.
- Make Money Online –> The hot, new product that guarantees results.

Long-Term Results
Long-lasting results that result in you achieving your long-term goals.

- Losing weight –> Exercising regularly and eating right.
- Making Money Online –> Learning, developing a solid Business plan and taking action.

I realize you may now be thinking to yourself “Great, I’m fat and broke, thanks Josh, I’m off to cry in the corner now.”

Don’t cry ;) hold on…

I believe money is one of the most powerful things in the world. Most people will do just about anything to get their hands on some cash. If you’re not one of those people then I probably don’t have a point, but if you are think of this:

If I told you that all you have to do in order to make a steady, solid income is to get in shape do you think you could do it? I bet many many many people, even those who have never been able to in the past, would be running marathons in about 60 days.

For those of you who answered yes to that, you probably have one thing holding you back. You know exactly what you need to do in order to get in shape (most people do) but you don’t know exactly how to make money online.

That’s where the business plan comes in. If you know the basics of all this, decide what online business model you want to do. Whether it’s affiliate marketing, solely blogging, niche marketing, whatever. Now start researching until you are extremely confident in that field. Once you’re confident, start doing everything you KNOW you should be doing and don’t make up any excuses. If you’re a newbie keep reading my blog ;) Andy’s blog, Vlad’s Blog, Tinu’s Blog, Maurice’s Blog, Ian’s blog and others until you have a basic concept of how it all works then do just what I explained above.

There are two things that you need to do in order to get what you want, whether it’s online or off and #1 is usually not the problem:

1. Get the Knowledge
2. Take Action!!